15. January 2024 Press release

chargebyte strengthens its position in the Internet of Energy by acquiring the Austrian IoT platform nymea

With this acquisition, chargebyte is expanding its portfolio in the field of energy management

Charging communications company chargebyte has successfully acquired the Austrian IoT platform nymea, further expanding its portfolio in the field of Internet of Energy (IoE) and energy management. The acquisition allows chargebyte to integrate nymea's highly compatible middleware into its existing portfolio, enabling the control and integration of various energy sources and devices in a unified system.

The takeover is intended to expand the communication capabilities of charging stations. Thomas Wagner, Managing Director of chargebyte, emphasizes the importance of the acquisition: "A modern charging station must be able to communicate in different directions. We are already leading the way in this respect. However, we see a clear trend towards charging stations having to communicate with local generation plants. We have purchased the software and expertise from nymea to integrate this technology into the charging station."

High code quality and mobile application

The acquisition enables chargebyte to eliminate complex and expensive energy management systems and instead offer an integrated solution. Dr. Stefan Nagel, CTO at chargebyte, explains: "Energy management is a very complex topic. With nymea, we found high code quality and a large integration list. In addition, it is a very intuitive app that an end user can also get to grips with."

Integration of various modern energy systems

The IoT platform nymea was founded in 2016 to simplify the development of smart home and smart energy products. nymea's middleware enables the seamless integration of devices such as photovoltaic systems, battery storage systems, e-charging stations and household appliances into a standardized system. Under the nymea:energy brand, the company specializes in manufacturer-independent solutions for energy management, in particular the charging of surplus PV power in electric vehicles.

Delivering digital added value and high scalability

Simon Seres, former co-owner and managing director of nymea, sees great potential in integration: "We see a charging station as a platform or technology carrier. A modern charging station has enough computing power to run various 'apps' on it. Through integration, we eliminate the need for a complex and expensive EMS and can provide the function as digital added value. In chargebyte, we have found an innovative and fast-growing provider of charging controllers with which functions such as these can be scaled perfectly."

Click here to find out more about nymea:energy.

About us

chargebyte supplies hardware and software products for all aspects of charging communication. With more than 10 years of experience in the field of powerline communication, the company offers solutions for the charging function in electric vehicles as well as in charging stations. The award-winning products rely on forward-looking technologies such as Vehicle-2-Grid, which turns vehicles into temporary energy storage devices. The products are developed and manufactured in Germany and are used worldwide.